Monday, March 9, 2009

American History-tiana

1. I think this story is about a woman who make wired pictures to recapture or remember past events
2. They are both shy, they read, live in the same neighborhood and go to the same school. They both get straight A's in all their classes. They're different because Elena isn't as shy as Eugene,she watches him from a window,and they make the same grades but he's in an honors class.
3. Elena and Eugene are a couple of teens who live in the same neighborhood and go to the same school they were timid to talk to each other but are now good friends.
4. Elena's family must have an attitude that is protective of their young ladies. They want them to be modest, virtuous, and lady-like not promiscuous.
5. Mr.DePalma seems like a hard core person to see him cry must have been really awful. Page 569 make him look like more of a human rather than this strict man with no heart.
6. he knew the sugnifigance of the president being assasinated so he wanted them to learn the past of that nation/country 
7. The author tolerates discrimination, he showed a little of it concerning Elena but at the end he described the woman saying a few words of discrimination to Elena in s hushed honey-drenched voice.

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